Michigan Bihar - Friends of Bihar and Jharkhand in Michigan
Troy Democratic Club organizes 11th District Candidate & National Campaign- Dr. Taj as Guest Speaker, February 15th
Posted on 07 Feb, 2012 by admin
in Blog

Troy Democratic Club is organizing its 2012 11th District Candidate & National Campaigns on Wednesday, February 15th at the Troy Community Center, Room # 305. Troy Community Center is located just north of Big Beaver Road. The address is 3179 Livernois Troy MI 48083.
Phone Number: 248-524-3484
Guest Speaker is Dr. Taj
Celebrating our Diversity
Dinner at 6:30PM followed by the Guest Speaker.
It is a potluck dinner, $5 per person. Please bring your favorite ethnic dish to share.Silverware will be provided by the Club.RSVP: Kathy Martin, TDC Chair(248-990-0029)/kieran2@aol.com
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